Birth + 9: One Happy Mommy!

This picture pretty much says it all. The mixture of joy and relief in Michele's eyes is matched in intensity only by the sheer contentment of little Oliver. Don't let go, Mommy, hold me right there... yea, that's the stuff!
In the picture, the two are engaged in something called "Kangaroo Care." This is where Michele holds Oliver (naked, except for his diaper) directly against her bare chest. In addition to creating one very jealous Daddy (the astute reader will ponder the object of his jealousy: mommy or baby?!), it is said to work wonders on the development of premature babies. Oliver certainly prefers it to being swaddled in the incubator... and just you try taking him out of Michele's arms!
The surprising news of the day is not that Michele loves holding Oliver or that Oliver loves being held -- we hold these things to be self-evident! The really big news is that the NICU doctors are thrilled with Oliver's progress and are predicting that he could come home within two weeks!
The thought that we might have our little fighter home and healthy by the end of October/early November leaves us both ecstatic and petrified. There is nothing more we want in the world and yet we are almost paralyzed with anxiety. (Well, OK, Daddy is paralyzed with anxiety and Mommy will soon attempt to slap some sense into Daddy.)
If this holds true and we all get to cheer for our victorious and dashing young fighter, we hope you all take a moment to appreciate the role you played in making it happen. To stay strong for Oliver during his has taken every ounce of our power and you have recharged us when we were most in need. You believed in us and the power of our love and you were a participant in a collective spirit that was stronger than the sum of its parts.
I'll stop now before I pen the lyrics to a Whitney Houston song. Besides, Mommy has quite a list of chores for Daddy... there's a lot to do before Oliver comes home!
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